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From: c60a-1bd%web-1a.Berkeley.EDU@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Jeff Davis)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 89 07:20:10 GMT
Subject: Re: Sensual World release date
Distribution: ba
Organization: University of California, Berkeley
References: <> <>
Reply-To: c60a-1bd%web-1a.Berkeley.EDU@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Jeff Davis)
Sender: usenet%agate.Berkeley.EDU@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (USENET Administrator;;;;ZU44)
Summary: KITS has been playing TSW
In article <> Love-Hounds@GAFFA.MIT.EDU writes: > >Well, about ten minutes ago, I was listening to the nightly "Modern >Rock Report" (the nightly 2 or 3 minutes of music news) on KITS-FM (aka >"Live 105"), San Francisco, and reporter/DJ Audio-Vidia said that TSW >would be released on October *1*. (I was busy reading talk.politics.misc >at the time, and might have missed the report entirely, but my attention >was perked up a few minutes before, 'cause they played "Experiment IV".) > >So it is either the case that A-V misspoke herself, or an optimistic >KaTefan told her something not strictly verified, or... She Knows >Something We Don't. > >-- >Michael C. Berch > (until 9/28) > (thereafter) _TSW_ world was played last night at 11:47pm and then today (9/25) at 12:00pm which means all of us in the bay area need to call 478-LIVE and request that they play it again and again until we can go out and get it ourselves The bad news is that Steve Masters said the Album would be in the stores on the 17th.