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Peter Gabriel & Drugs

From: Matthew Tobias Diamond <>
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 89 17:08:04 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Peter Gabriel & Drugs

This is getting a little annoying.  The "Pete never touches the stuff"
contingent has referred to articles that he is clean, at least in recent years.
The "Pete was a serious user" folks are using Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
as the primary justification for their opinion.  Stating that the album
slows down and grinds to a meaningless halt don't prove that Gabriel
became strung up and was unable to finish writing it.  For starters, you're
assuming that it was written sequentially, a highly dubious premise.

My personal opinion is that you can't really tell whether a musician
uses drugs or not solely on the basis of their work.  Heck, Kate's "9th Wave"
could be interpreted as a series of drug-induced flashbacks and visions
(that is, if you wanted to die a slow lingering death at the hands of various
Love-Hounds!).  More seriously, in the past there have been drug accusations
against various musicians, including Don McLean and Peter Paul & Mary.
(The attacks were specifically on the songs "American Pie" and "Puff the
Magic Dragon".)

I am perfectly willing to believe that Peter Gabriel was in fact a user,
but can't you guys cite an interview, an article, or something?
I'm sure you read or heard it SOMEplace, and I'd like to know where.
But it just bothers me when people cite the music as the proof.

I hope I'm not coming across too strongly here;  just trying to make a point.


Disclaimer:  I am a Peter Gabriel fan.
Also, the above are my opinions only; any resemblance to other persons'
opinions, whether alive or dead, is purely coincidental.