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From: ide!lofdahl@Sun.COM (Corey Lofdahl)
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 89 18:22:01 PDT
Subject: stuff

Just some general notes that might be of interest
to love-hounds at large:

To Jon Drukman: Your comments about Max Headroom
were absolutely correct. I changed the 
reference to "Brigitte Nielson" in the "clean" 
version I sent to Andrew for possible _Homeground_
release.  Hope that your anger was purely facetious.

To David Hsu: Sorry I got the KT disk ownership
wrong, but I'm still glad you showed up.
They always said writing was difficult ...

To Andrew and Tracy:  When attempting to reach
me directly, try the address "". 
Hope that works.


A well adjusted person is one who makes the 
same mistake twice without getting nervous.