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Bit time slice exponent

From: "Andy Gough, x4-2906, pager 513, CH2-59" <>
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 89 17:43 PDT
Subject: Bit time slice exponent

>Date:    Thu, 27 Jul 89 11:17 PDT
>Subject: Mailbag
> To: Love-Hounds
> From: Andrew Marvick (IED)
> Subject: Mailbag
>     Jon Drukman and Joe Turner both seem to share a sad, adolescent
>fear of direct expression of softer emotions in art. _The_Sensual_World_:
>"Ack barf" (even though it's _plainly_ one of the greatest album titles
>in the history of music); "The sheets are soaked by your tiny fish":
>"Ack barf" (even though it's _clearly_ a line of pure genius, especially
>as sung--two different ways--in the song); the "visuals" in _Hammer-
>smith_: "laughably inane" (even though there can really be _no_question_
>_whatever_ that Kate's performance is beyond any legitimate aesthetic
>criticism of _any_kind_); the lyrics of _In_the_Warm_Room_: "Ack barf":
>(even though they are among the only lyrics in the history of music
>to have dealt with such a subject from such a perspective, and with
>amazing lyrical success--and this is of course quite beyond any
>question); etc., etc. IED recommends that Jon and Joe take off a few
>weeks to "get in touch with their feminine sides," or something. Because
>their criticism has begun to say far more about their own hangups than
>about the work they attempt to criticize (which, of course, is
>completely uncriticizable).
>-- Andrew Marvick

Yeah, o'kay, but can Kate understand the Apple MIDI interface like Debbie
Gibson can?
