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Should I buy "The Whole Story" video?

From: dasys1!gts@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (G. T. Samson)
Date: 9 Sep 88 22:41:51 GMT
Subject: Should I buy "The Whole Story" video?
Distribution: world
Keywords: VHS Hi-Fi Stereo
Organization: MicroWizardry's Haven
Posted-Date: 9 Sep 88 22:41:51 GMT
Reply-To: dasys1!gts@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (G. T. Samson)

So, Love-Houndz, do I buy the Kate Bush videocassette "The Whole
Story"?  I'm the proud owner of a VHS Hi-Fi Stereo unit...

      [ Go fer it, dude!  -- |>oug ]

And what about the Gabriel tape, "Cv"?  I can't BELIEVE he didn't put
"Games Without Frontiers" on there!

      [	Go fer it, dude!  (It is a bummer that "Juex sans Frontier"
	was left off the tape, though.)  -- |>oug ]

Name: Gregory T. Samson
AKA:  An Insane Man [but still the Evil MicroWizard]
Nets: ARPA: gts@prep.AI.MIT.EDU / gts@masa.COM  UUCP: ...!cmcl2!phri!dasys1!gts
Quote:  "Sometimes nice boys have to DIE." - serial killer, Video Jack #4