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No, no. That was Marlowe...Couldn't have been the same fellow!

Date: Fri, 15 May 87 18:22 PDT
Subject: No, no. That was Marlowe...Couldn't have been the same fellow!

Paul Whiting: Your comments respectfully acknowledged by IED (Andrew),
but he is not the moderator of Love-Hounds! The moderator is the
ever-more-silent Doug Alan, whose near absence from these ongoing
discussions is very frustrating, and is likely to cause just this
kind of mix-up.

Quite apart from IED's loathing of movie ratings systems (if
parents are so inept and disinterested that they can't take the
trouble to educate their children and figure out roughly what
kind of movies they're watching, they deserve to have them
corrupted by the temptations of the outside world! besides, it's
all just a slimy, subtle form of censorship), your example of
how the ratings might be used is confusing: If the word "slut"
is given your most restrictive rating, then what rating have you
got left for Wicinski's vocabulary? Hell, "slut" should get a "G"!

Dave Hsu: Your suggestions are worthy of some more serious study
of the passage by IED, so don't expect a real response for a day
or two. It is very heartening to see that there are now at least
four Love-Hounds working on these ridiculous problems now!

Hugh: Lucky stiff!

-- Andrew