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Re: Pandoras

Karen Weiss sez:
>The Pandoras seem to have made the jump directly to a big label without
>working up through the indies.

The Pandoras have been on Voxx Records, an all-paisley label that's about as
indie as they come, for several years now.  (Which Pandoras are these?
Paula's, I presume, although the others, Gwynn's or whoever, may still exist.)
Are they on a major label these days?

Anyhow, I hereby announce my intention to start creating something almost, but
not entirely, unlike music.  I'm a'gonna buy me a CZ-101, slap a bust of Brian
Eno on it, and poke away.  As soon as I get a tape recorder (later, when I
have more money) things will really get, uh, interesting.  Who knows, maybe
in a year or so I'll have some material for another of Greg Taylor's tapes.
How cheaply can I get things like fuzzboxes, noise gates (what IS a noise
gate?), etc.?  I know several of you out there (Hofmann et al) have experience
in banging together interesting music ...
Don't worry, I'll save the detailed questions'n'comments for rec.music.synth.

					--Peter Alfke
"c'mon every beatbox"

PS: Anyone know where I can get a bust of Brian Eno?  Just one will do, I don't
    need a whole roomful like Schroeder, but it would help if it were unbreak-
    able so I can heave it at the wall from time to time when I get

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