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yet another fIREHOSE review

1st Ave  3/25

I don't know diddly about DC3, but onstage, they were rock-steady 70's R&R.
I didn't get it.

The Descendants of course were solid.  Milo was pissed because he got
a larger crowd and better response from the all ages show that
afternoon.  A touch of megalomania?  The crowds responded best to
stuff off of "...Goes to College," but I think that is because there
isn't a big Descendants following here.  Don't ask me why probably
because that is all Mpls seems to be familiar with.  pity.

fIREHOSE came on and played an 80 min set.  The funniest moment of the
evening was when ED Fromohio noticed this Convention guy and his
"escort" slow-dancing to one of the ballads.  He caught both Hurley
and Watt's attention, and on cue, they cut it short and tore into one
of their thrash-y numbers (please forgive me if I can't provide
titles.  The sound mix was annoyingly muddy, and besides, I haven't
picked up their debut yet :-) ) Local Minutemen fanatics and other
skins converged upon this couple, enclosing them in a slam pit.  While
they weren't hurt or anything, it did remind me af the cliche Western
scene in which the Puritan Easterners are surrounded by the whooping
"savages," who are preparing to scalp them.

After the song ended, the couple bolted out the door, and Watt says, "I
don't get it.  What were they expecting; D. Boon or something?!?"

I also feel compelled to urge people to SEE fIREHOSE ON THIS TOUR.  A
refreshing change in that they are well-rehearsed, professional, and

s e v

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