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Re: females in indi rock

In article <8703240932.AA08481@p.cs.uiuc.edu> you write:
>Why don't we discuss:

>             Female Artists on Independent Labels 

>*Frightwig (alternately trashy/dirgy post punk, screamin' vocals, strong 
>            lyrics)

Yeah!  Their *Cat Farm Faboo* album is great.  Has anyone heard the new
album (reviewed in the L.A. Weekly although not yet seen here in Portland).

Another mostly female group I've been listening to is the Band Of Susans
(four women (three called Susan), two men) who have an E.P. called *Blessing 
and Curse* -- good thrash/psychedelia, well worth checking out even though 
the record jacket kinda makes them look like yet another boring nu-wave 
post REM folk-rock group.

				soren f petersen

"Reality is a Capitalist concept"

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