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locust abortion technician

If you were ever worried about the Butthole Surfers mellowing out in
their old (?) age, buy Locust Abortion Technicians and be reassured
that this band is too zany to sell/mellow out. Standard Buttholes
cover with no lyric sheets or inserts (except for a Touch and Go ad)
or listing of band members. This guy I know claims that that's a 
baby picture of Sly on the back, does anyone know for sure?

This is another "let's take some drugs and deconstruct some genres"
album in the tradition (?) of Camper van Beethoven, Sun City Girls
and, yes, the granddaddy of them all, the Buttholes themselves, but
the Surfers are more deranged and damaged than their spiritual disciples
can ever hope to be. Typical inconsistencies, but after watching their
awesome video I can understand why some of this material doesn't
come across so well on vinyl. They mangle a Black Sabbath song on
Sweet Loaf, with hilarious '70s stylistic cliches. The song starts with
this great dialog (from memory, so this is inaccurate): 


Kid: Daddy?
Dad: Yes, son?
Kid: What does regret mean?
Dad: Well, son, it's better to regret something that you have done, than
     to regret something that you haven't done. (pregnant pause) If
     you see your mom, remember to tell her... (another pregnant pause)



There are more deranged Buttholes-style instrumentals. Side 1 ends with
Human Cannonball, which was supposed to come out as a single (I've never
seen the single). It's a great thrashy number tho.

Side 2 has O-Men, another good thrashy song, Kuntz, with (fake?) ethnic
singing (distinctly Asian, maybe even Southeast Asian flavored, not
Bulgarian as I mentioned earlier), funny heavy metal satires and some 
dubious instrumentals. I like this a bit more than Rembrandt Pussyhorse,
mainly because I like 4 or 5 things on the new album a lot, but not as
much as Cream Corn. Worth getting if you like the Buttholes at all.


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