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VCRs, CDs, etc

From: "ROSSI J.A." <rossi@nusc.ARPA>
Date: 6 Jul 86 19:04:00 PST
Subject: VCRs, CDs, etc
Reply-To: "ROSSI J.A." <rossi@nusc.ARPA>

As to the aristocratic nature of VCRs and CDs, if England is similar to the
U.S (as indexed by the buying habits of its people), then it would appear
that Kate's sox	rlid followZ{ng is within the working classes.
not with the aristocracy.  A recent article in Forbes suggested that
VCRs and CD players are az mainstay of the working middle class.  As
a matter of fact, for the past two years, VCR sales have outnumbered
even CB radios by a five to one factor.  Also, the averrage american
working type is a8{parently into CDs in a big way.  Apparenbtly, the
tyrue audiophile still revers tube amps and vinyl records, and although
VCRs were initially an upper-class phenom, the cost has been reduced
to a point wherew they are now affordible by the masses.  (please
excuse this meswage if it comes out as garbled as 2
234@#$ it w#%ent in, there is a lot of line no789iese today)
