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Re: Movies

From: (Tsun-Yuk Hsu)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 86 21:50:29 EST
Subject: Re: Movies

I wonder if this movies stuff will get posted to If it does,
then maybe we'll get another round of complaints again. I hope so :-)

I kind of enjoy movies that are "different" too; a few examples:

BRAZIL		A trip in more ways than one... read net.movies for details

LIQUID SKY	What the great decadent artists like Genet might have done
		if they made music videos. Perfect soundtrack, hilarious
		dada minimalist plot about aliens who land on the roof
		of a lesbian model... SEE IT!!

STRANGER THAN PARADISE	This is "different" only in its choppy, unpolished
			style. The story is straightforward (girl from
			foreign country comes to US, has misadventures etc.)
			Endearing characters.

And lots of Woody Allen (I haven't seen Stardust Memories, tho), Ralph
Bakshi (FRITZ THE CAT, AMERICAN POP, etc.), more mainstream things like
APOCALYPSE NOW (I hope Palena doesn't read this...), HAROLD AND MAUDE,
BLADERUNNER (see it for the crumbling LA of the 21st century and the
gigantic billboards) etc. etc.

On my list of "must sees": DIVA, ERASERHEAD, PINK FLAMINGOES, any Fellini,
any Werner Herzog, any Fassbinder, etc. etc.

				Bill Hsu