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From: Dongerous! <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 14:25:40 -0700
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
In-Reply-To: <>

At 8:54 AM -0700 7-30-97, DJH wrote:
>Albert, to quote Tom Waits:
>"You must be reading my mail"!
>I would like to stand up and be counted amongst those who would much
>rather get a new KaTe KreaTion every 4 or 5 years than to get some
>rushed less than perfect crap...

Well, let's waited four years for "The Red Shoes." Were you

As a point of reference, lets take The Beatles -- another non-touring band
(after '66). "Revolver" came out nine MONTHS after "Rubber Soul." "Sgt.
Pepper's" came out ten MONTHS after Revolver, with the "Strawberry
Fields"/"Penny Lane" single sandwiched between them. There was a huge 19
month break until the double album, "The Beatles" came out...with the "All
You Need Is Love"/"Baby You're A Rich Man," "Hello, Goodbye"/"I Am The
Walrus," "Lady Madonna"/"The Inner Light" and "Hey Jude"/"Revolution"
singles released in the interim.

More recently, take a look at non-tourers Pearl Jam...

"10" - 1991 - a classic
"Vs." - 1993 - brilliant
"Vitalogy" - 1994 - quite possibly their best, and truly amazing
"No Code" - 1996 - not their best, but still pretty great

plus their singles have lots of b-sides and they did an album with Neil
Young during this period.

And it's not like KB spends the entire four or five years writing and
working. Didn't we just hear that she has just recently started songwriting
on the next album (the last one came out in '93)? Even if that was old news
-- say '96 -- that means she was fallow and unproductive for three years.

As my wife asked me, "What does she DO all day?"

Any ideas?

>like, um, uh.. what would be a good example.... OH!  Tori Amos &
>Boys for Pele..

Hey, if you claim Tori Amos sucks, you aren't going to get an argument from me.

- Don