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Summer Reading List

From: <gearnoise@VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: 1 Jul 1997 10:17:55 EDT
Subject: Summer Reading List
To: <>

Today is 01 July, and no one has posted favorite books to read over
the summer yet?  Or are all (the young'ns) too busy watching tv?

I finally finished Leon Uris' Redemption, which is a sequel to Trinity
(well, actually it sort of surrounds it), and although not as good as
the latter, still worthwhile (but it would be wise to read Trinity
first).  Being of Irish RC ancestry, of course I think Trinity is a

Other not new but really great books:

- One Hundred Years of Solitude - by Borges. Enough story to have been
  several novels.  Think of KaTe's TD album.  Original in Spanish.

- Love in the Time of Cholera - by Borges (again). One of my all time
  favorites. Think of KaTe's HOL album.  This guy is a master!

- All The Pretty Horses - by Cormac McCarthy.  Connects you to feeling
  the "old West" (though not really so old), much like the first half
  of Mark Twain's Life On The Mississippi puts you into the old riverboat
  life.  BUT, be prepared to throw the book at a wall when you get to
  the last chapter.  The guy just can't end a story.
  While on vacation next week I intend to read McCarthy's next novel.
  Which I understand is another wall damager.

Side note: Last summer my wife was reading Midnight In The Garden Of
Good And Evil, a definitely-not-recommended mostly true book about a
murder and surrounding circumstances that took place in Savannah, Georgia
a decade or two ago.  We happened to be passing near Savannah, so spent
the day walking around the area where the book is set.  As we were
sitting in one of the city's many squares, we started up a conversation
with a woman about her two dogs, restaurants, etc.  When we all
eventually got up to go our separate ways, the lady, who had evidently
noticed "Midnight" peeking out of my wife's shoulderbag, said "By the
way, you'll find me on page 108." Sure 'nuff.

.                                                        Q___  -- --
Neal Mulvenna   IBM Global Services, CLT, NC           __/__/T_ -- -
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