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Re: Hi! (and some responses)

From: (I Came To The Woods Because . . . )
Date: Wed, 09 Oct 1996 07:59:53 GMT
Subject: Re: Hi! (and some responses)
Organization: None, whatsoever!
References: <v01530506ae7ec08394e3@[]>
Sender: owner-love-hounds (Jeff Gower) wrote:

>Here are a few responses to previous postings:
>>> 4. Is there a general feeling among all of you about Tori Amos?

>Good question.  I don't know much about her or her music, but I remember
>when I first heard her and thought that she was the most blatant rip of
>Kate that I had ever heard.  I've since heard some other tunes, and can
>begin to see Tori's own style more, but I wonder: Does Tori acknowledge
>Kate's obvious influence?  

Tori does not list Kate say, equally with Joni Mitchell and Led

Or does she ignore any comments about it?

She has acknowledged "Running Up That Hill" to be one of the most
brilliant songs ever written and has "Hounds of Love" in her album
collection.  She may have even sampled "Running Up That Hill" quite a
few times during her Dew Drop Inn tour, in fact.  (She's also done
"Hyperballad" during a soundcheck, by the way!)  Some lovehounds had
took offense on a couple comments Tori has made to differenentiate
herself from Kate.  However, one of her quotes, that Kate smokes more
weed than her (metaphor for weirdness) has made Tori long to try it
more, metaphorically speaking.  :)  Now that sounds like a compliment,

>if this is old hat.  One thing, though - from the interviews I have read or
>seen with her, she seems to be a bit of a flake personally - a little to
>into psychobabble and 'deep thoughts' for my taste. 

"So what's so amazing about pretty deep thoughts?"  :P  I like that
quality of her, myself.  I guess it depends (Watch out, I've heard
lovehounds on here say they get tired of Kate saying "thank you" and
"how kind" repeatedly in her interviews.  Or "you really liked that?"
Neither have really bothered me, however.  I find them both intriguing
in each of their own way at an interview.)

>Well, there they are - my worthless opinions.  I don't have "Red Shoes" (I
>am ashamed to say) because I took a leave of absence from Katophilia for
>several years and heard that it was quite poppish.  But now that I have
>found this list, perhaps I'd better run out and get it so that I am 'on top
>of things', eh?

I'm a bit disappointed with it, though while a few songs don't seem as
strong (to me) as her previous work, there are songs like "Song of
Solomon" and "Moments of Pleasure" that are very good.  Avoid the
extended version of "Shoedance," though, it's like a foretelling
(though still worse) of any mix that Tori has done, recently.
