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Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 23:48:29 -0400
Subject: Erratum
Sender: owner-love-hounds

IED owes Michael Rees a debt of gratitude
for calling attention to IED's foolish misuse
of the term "semiquaver" in place of the 
intended "semitone".  He trusts that anyone
taking the time to read the posting in question
(though god knows they must be few) will have
managed to piece together IED's argument in 
spite of his stupid mistake.  Meanwhile, he
can only hope that this continued evidence of
IED's fallibility will not somehow seem to 
tarnish the perfection of the art of Kate Bush
itself, since of course her work is divine, 
IED's only all too mundane.

-- Andrew Marvick (IED)
   S        R         I  

 > You have compromised your credibility as a 'semiquaver' is a unit of
 > not of frequency (and, yes, I do realize that frequency is also time, but
 > a different perceptual domain).