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RE: KaTemas at Glastonbury

Date: Mon, 05 Aug 96 11:50:36 gmt
Subject: RE: KaTemas at Glastonbury
To: (Punki)
Sender: owner-love-hounds

I was about to write a little item for these pages concerning our UK gathering, 
but I open up my Love-Hounds digest this morning to see that Rolf has beaten me 
to it!  So many thanks, Rolf, and we're glad you enjoyed yourself so much.  To 
all our other Internet friends who read these pages and came to Glastonbury, a 
big "Hello" from us and thanks for coming, we hope to be organising another 
event next year so watch these pages.  And to everyone who went to any of the 
other KaTe gatherings worldwide, we hope you all had a suitably brilliant time.

For anyone curious to read my own account of the day's events in Glastonbury, 
plus see some of the'photos, I believe Beate will be kindly lending some space 
in a forthcoming issue of her excellent KaTe magazine, "Irgendwo In Der Tiefe". 
(buy it, it's great!). This is a German magazine, so those of you who can't read
the language may have a problem here, but I will try to stick my report on these
pages at a later date if anyone is interested - let me know, because I don't 
want to clutter the Digest with a lot of stuff no-one wants to read!

Finally, before I go, a big hello to dear friend Rave, who was the amused 
recipient of a postcard from Glastonbury which bore mysterious marks and ghostly
images - well, who can tell what forces hitched a lift to the US when I posted 
it?  Must be the faeries again....  

"We raise our hats to the strange phenomena"

Brightest Blessings

Krys and Matt XXXX