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Re: A: Never For Ever

From: Daniel Sindahl <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 21:47:48 -0700
Subject: Re: A: Never For Ever
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Organization: KTH
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Sender: owner-love-hounds

I just can't decide!! Arghhh!
It's impossible for me to not have TKI and
HoL among my top 3, but the same goes for
TRS, TD, NFE ... what should I do!!?? 
Why is it all so good!?

Well, I'll give it a try! Today (TODAY!)
The Red Shoes feels like my #3!
Except for some minor flaws ("Why should
I love you" being the most obvious one)
it's a truly wonderful album. Those of
you who don't like it: I'm sorry for you!


Daniel in Stockholm