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Re: Red Shoe Blues

From: "Chris Beckwith" <>
Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 09:04:41 -0500
Subject: Re: Red Shoe Blues
Comments: Authenticated sender is <>
Priority: normal
Sender: owner-love-hounds

Dave Watkins said:

> After reading all the posts about people's least favourite Kate
> songs, it occured to me that a lot of the songs on The Red Shoes
> were included in the lists.  Is it widely considered that The Red
> Shoes is Kate's worst album? I rather like it.

I must come out of the closet and confess my love for this much-
maligned album.  Never has Kate's thoughts and feelings been so raw
and exposed.  It's a real shame her efforts weren't better-
appreciated.  It didn't help that much of the promotion for the album
(which at one point included serious preparations for a tour) quickly
became a bitter anti-climax amidst a ballooning of her physique
(which has been defended on this newsgroup for understandable, but
misguided reasons.)  And now we hear that she won't be recording for 
the next couple of years.  The reaction to the album, it appears, has 
reaped what it has sown.

> I think the trouble is that several of the songs on the album have
> very repetitve structures e.g. "Rubberband Girl", "The Red Shoes",
> "Shoedance", "Eat the Music" etc, and this makes them boring and
> tedious to listen to. However for me, these songs are outweighed by
> tracks like "And so is Love", "Song of Solemon", "Lily", and
> "You're the One". What do you think?

The only song on the album I can't stand is "Eat the Music," with
its forced tropical elation.  Otherwise, Kate goes from strength to
strength, the simplicity of structure and directness of the songs
contributing mightily to their phenomenal impact.  If the Fairlight
is becoming a bit creaky in its old age, Kate achieves surprising
effects on Fender Rhodes.  And for my money Kate has never sung
better.  I think "The Red Shoes" will be thought of in years to come
as a classic alongside her very best.

There, I've said it and I'm proud!

Take care,
