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Re: Demo-lyrics online

From: (Bryan Dongray)
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 1996 22:24:13 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: Demo-lyrics online
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In-Reply-To: <> from "Emmy May Lombaerts" at Feb 18, 96 09:44:45 pm

Firstly, Norm Le Blanc <> wrote:
> > >		I was firey but you put me out.
> > >			 ^
> > >	add the 'e', although my dictionary was vague about this.
> > 
> >          Mine was too.. Does this word even exist?
> > 
> Are you trying to spell 'fiery'? (as in 'I was on fire but you put me 
> out'........)

"Ummm," I said, trying to hide my embarrassment by vaguely kicking
my feet through some nearby leaves, "err yes!".
Well done Norm, I must have had brain blank on missing the typo!

Then Emmy May Lombaerts <> replied to me:
> >Come Closer To Me Babe:
> >	please correct your title!
>           I've also had mail from people telling me the actual title is 'Who
> is Sylvia?'. Maybe we should have a vote on this whole title-business,
> because I am rather confused. Besides, who says 'Come Closer To Me Babe' is
> the title given to it by Kate, so my idea is us Love-Hounds should come to
> some kind of agreement about the 'definitive' titles. 

No need, Wieland already did this, and it was decided (I thought) that
the Phoenix Broadcast, the place where apparently DJ XX XX was reading
from an original playlist, was IT. The other names (like "Who is Sylvia")
was invented by bootleggers who just had the recordings (we assume).

Here is the title mapping (as I have):
Phoenix broadcast		Home Demos		Others

It Hurts Me			A Rose Growing Old	Feeling Like a Waltz
Stranded at the Moonbase	Keeping Me Waiting
Surrender into the Roses	Coming Up		Camilla
Rinfi the Gypsy			Playing Canasta in Cold Rooms
On Fire Inside a Snowball	Snow			Hot in the Ice
Dali				Ferry me Over
Where Are the Lionhearts	Lionhearts		On the Rocks
The Gay Farewell		Eddie the Queen
Something Like a Song		In My Garden		Something Like a Song
Come Closer to Me Babe		Goodnight Baby		Who is Sylvia?
So Soft				You're Soft
Rare Flower		Don't See Why I Shouldn't	Pick the Rare Flower
While Davy Dozed		Davy

I think the other tracks are ok.

So you can see why some have said what they did, but we believe that
the original Kate title was as read out on the Phoenix Broadcast, so
sorry if I was so "matter of fact", but I just thought it had been
agreed. I understand these are including in the FAQ too!

> >Dali:
> >	shouldn't it be "Senore Dali", he is a man?
>      I was following Violet's interpretation of the song, and her version of
> the lyrics, as they make a lot of sense. And among the hisses, I can quite
> distinctly here an 'a'-sound.

After reading what she wrote, I see, also listening too,
ignore me I always make mistakes when it comes to gender.

> >Frightened Eyes:
> >	A matter of spelling, it's:
> >		Just traveling on a bus
> >	ie one 'l' in traveling (according to my dictionary).
>         According to Webster's (,
> both one and two 'l's are allowed. I've always written travelling with two
> 'l's and don't see why I should change now :-P

I can see why, it does seem to break the rules of other examples, and
my online dictionary "told" me that it should have just one 'l'.
I've just checked all my real dictionaries and the UK ones only have
two 'l's, my American (Webster) has both. Since Kate is from England,
I'm going for two too! Thanks for making me look.

>  Then:
> >		In any English country garden.
> >		^^
> >	although, it could be "At", but it's a hard one, but "In" makes
> >	more sense, so my vote goes that way.
>     I dunno, to me it sounds like they're gazing out windows at any English
> country garden. What do the others think?

After playing back a few times (repeatedly), I hear:
	uh nenny English ...
ie I hear the N. Also a standard bus is slightly higher than the
surrounding area, especially if it's a doubledecker, you really do
look out the windows into the gardens. ie "in". You don't really
look "at" a garden, unless you are studying it. But when quickly
passing, like on a bus, you just look in them.

> >It Hurts Me:
> >	Please correct your title (from "Waltz Growing Old").
>       See 'Come Closer'-remark above.

See Phoenix broadcast list above.

> >	Another spelling check:
> >		I was firey but you put me out.
> >			 ^
> >	add the 'e', although my dictionary was vague about this.
>          Mine was too.. Does this word even exist?

See Norm's statement, ie time for me to eat humble pie!

>     I'll correct and adapt the rest of the lyrics too,. Thanks for the extra
> lines in 'Scares Me Silly', by the way :)  

No probs.

>     That would be brilliant, thank you!

Expect a private email containing what we seem to have agreed on,
hopefully the format is easily HTML'able, it should be!

I hope we all get a real idea of the exact lyrics, I think there are
just a few places where there is a problem now (at last),

			Bryan Dongray