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Ethics Regarding Demos

From: Emmy May Lombaerts <>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 17:11:05 +0100
Subject: Ethics Regarding Demos
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hiya everyone,

Robb wrote:

>  Anyone else think it's possible that Ken is "the fuckin'  sex machine?"
   Definitely not.. It's funKy.. Unlike in Transvision Vamp's 'I want your
love'.. Wendy, what were you thinking of? :) (James Smith) got on his soapbox and said:
>Is it morally wrong to copy the demos? The purpose of copyright law is to
>protect the right of an artist to make money from her work, and the purpose
>behind that was to foster the creation of new works. Copyright law was
>never intended to be used to suppress works that have been created. Those
>artists who use it for that purpose are themselves morally in the wrong. 

     To copy or not to copy.. IMHO these early recordings are just too
tempting for most fans to resist, and if they're going to track down the
demos anyway, isn't it better that they get them copied on a tape from a
fellow-fan, rather than paying hard cash to the bootleggers whose only
intent it is to make money from Kate? 

   Just my two cents,



Emmy May Lombaerts

'Caught a lite sneeze, dreamed a little dream, made my own pretty hate
machine' ~ Tori Amos