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Re: Wait for Kate

From: (Bryan Dongray)
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 1996 21:40:52 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: Wait for Kate
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Firstly, let me apologize to any Toriphiles, I did (and do) not
mean to criticize a very good performer, such as Tori, my message
was supposed to one of warning to those (like myself) who on knowing
a Tori album was out, rushing and buying it. I too, do wish Kate
produced albums faster, but now I appreciate waiting for something
of quality. I was expecting something like LE or UtP, but apart from
the occasional track, BfP is NOT.

My message probably was a bit harsh, I felt like Tori had taken my
money and flushed the rest of me down the toilet! (To borrow a phrase)

Perhaps my mood was not too high either, I get quite offended by anyone
who make sweeping stereotypical statements, especially if they put
me (being a man) in a stereotypcial bad light, like Tori's "toilet"
statement. I really would hate to think myself in such a nasty way,
and these statements just reinforce stereotypes. I *DO* like Kates
Eat the Music, just for this reason.

I have forced myself into further listenings and I see my problem
with the album, the good ones are interspersed by ones which do
not fit my taste. I *really* do not like the abuse of the hardsichord
in track 4 (Professional Widow). What I did on one listening is the
moment I starting to look at the CD time remaining (thinking when is
this one over), skip to the next track. Worked a treat.
I noticed quite a few, I started out thinking "ohh, this is good
and has great potential", only to skip when the potential is not
realized (IMO).

My rating this way gives it a 3 or 4 (out of 10), and I can now see
that there are good ones! Of the 18, I'd say 3 or 4 are good ones, about
5 or 6 which start off well, but do not go anywhere, so get boring.
There are 5 or 6 which are just "ok", much like the "also rans" on the
other albums. There are 3 or 4 I'll just program my CD player to skip.

I am a fan of both Tori and Kate, but Tori does not gain any extra
credit with me, with this one. Sorry about the confusing message too,
I do understand others have different tastes. The token gestures
were tried to be in there, just not done very well.

As to Kates albums, I have NEVER taken time to "get into" an album,
perhaps Kate is my style, she being just a few years older than me
possibly transmits on my wavelength. No track of Kates is bad, my
recent experience has shown me this. Any future discussions of which
Kate track is her worst (or is that "worse"), will be meaningless to me!

As to comparing Kate and Tori, this was not my intention, I just know
from reading posts that some Kate fans are Tori fans, and I was just
giving a word of warning, any similarlities have really gone now (IMO).

OK, I do not like tunes based on where they get in the charts either,
considering what does get in the charts, it is possibly not a good
judge of excellence. The fact that Tori's CaLS is in the charts,
perhaps is just those (like some who have commented) bought it because
it is a Tori single, she's possibly riding the hype wave, and winning
on previous excellence.

I also should not base the musical content on the effort (or lack of)
that the record company puts into the extras (like wordsheet) or artwork.
My comments on BfP photo "art" are based on my general dislike of
much modern "art", which I often think ought to be spelled with an F.
None of the images to me are shock either, some are boring, others
probably have done their job, provoke discussion.

> I haven't sat down and carefully listened to the rest of "Boys for
> Pele", but I can say the first track "Horses" sounds good. 

By the way, that's the 2nd. It's "ok". I actually prefer the tracks
that are much later on the CD.

> Besides, by the time Kate releases her next LP, we may be buying Tori's
> 5th LP by then (5th if you include her debut album, Y Kant Tori Read).

True, but next time, I'm going to hear it before I buy it.
One of my thoughts was to call BfP "Y Kant Tori Write/Play/Sing".

> *Now* you've piqued my interest!  I think your message may have had
> the opposite effect to that you intended, at least as far as I'm
> concerned :-)

I had no intentions either way, I still suggest you hear a friends
copy first, and if you do like it (which you may) then buy. Don't feel
ripped off, like I did.

			Bryan Dongray