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|>oug's hand mystery revealed

From: Wieland Willker <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 1996 16:41:52 -0100
Subject: |>oug's hand mystery revealed
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hello friends,

thank you for the overwhelming Anne Archer replies! 
About the similarity: I have seen only two of her films from 1992 and I
can't help myself, I was immediately reminded of the Q-1993 Kate, that's
all. Thanks again. I will try to check out some other films. 

Now for |>oug's hand mystery:
I've got two shy personal replies. And Bryan Dongray wrote:

> Maybe they've played that game where someone stands behind and is the
> hands for the person in front, the person in front put their hands
> behind the two, very amusing, especially when food is involved.
> eg |>oug was the hands, KaTe got to be one demonstrating how to brush
> teeth!

Mmmh, yes. What a great 'Sensual World' idea!! This is worth a dream! 

Here's the 'truth'. Enjoy:

From: Doug Alan <> 
Subject: Dreaming of Kate 
Date: Mon, 20 May 91 21:52:54 EDT 

My dream about Kate: 
I was waiting in line to get Kate's autograph at a signing appearance. It
was outdoors in the suburbs during the summer. The line was not very long
and Kate was sitting at an office-desk-sized table. My turn came soon. I
wanted to get Kate to sign my Official Kate Bush Club Comb (tm), but I
searched in my pocket and could not find it. Instead I asked her to sign my
Official Kate Bush Club Plastic Hand (tm). She signed it, but when she had
finished somehow the plastic hand had become her own hand. Kate appologized
and said she hoped that I wouldn't demand the hand back, as she could not
easily return it. I said that it was not a problem, but joked that she
would have to pay me rent. Kate and a few of her friends then decided to
walk home, which was only a few blocks away. Kate invited me to come with
them. While we were cutting across someone's back yard, one of Kate's
friends told me that when he was a kid he lived next door to David Lee Roth
and that David had known this special paralizing wrestling hold. The friend
then demonstrated the hold on me. I became paralyzed and started to panic.
I woke up. 

I had another dream where Kate was the performer on cruise ship. She sang a
song I had never heard before. It was definitely a Kate Bush, song,
however. It was in her simpler, earlier style. It was very good. I guess
this is one Kate Bush song I shall never hear again.... 

Best wishes