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Kate Page: It's a Sony!

From: (stev0)
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 1996 00:26:06 -0800
Subject: Kate Page: It's a Sony!
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I've saved the worst for last.  The page you think
SHOULD be the best is clearly the most pathetic;
and that's Kate's "Official" Sony Website:

While It's pretty impossible to make a bad Kate site,
this one comes pretty damn close.  Just a VERY brief
FAQ (which is a year out of date), some info on
TLTCTC, and three pictures.  Rather interesting
pictures, I have to say (the same type as on the cover
of the second Red Shoes single), but that's IT!

All of the sites I've reviewed so far have been pretty
uniformly great (with Cloudbusting and David Benson's
site, with all that extra work put in, standing clearly
above the rest), but this one?  Ew-weee!  It's a stinker!
Well, what little there is here IS great, but why have a single 
hors d'oeurve when you should have a full meal?

Rating: * 1/2* (1.5 *) (and of that, one star is for
the photos)

- Not quite done yet