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Re: No Kate, but no Marmite, either! Instead, it's cookies!

From: (Mikael Jakonen)
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 06:38:03 +0100
Subject: Re: No Kate, but no Marmite, either! Instead, it's cookies!
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan <> wrote:

>The cookie message story is an urban legend.  A guy on RIME actually
>made an exhaustive investigation of the story.  OtOH, a friend who
>made the cookies said that they're =really= good.

We're even closer than that! 
Exactly the same cookie story appeared right here on LoveHounds a couple 
of winters back. I think it was around christmas -93. I'll have to consult
the archives to make sure of the date, but I clearly remember the story.

Chris (as in Chris n' Vickie) declared it a made-up story. 

That would be round about the same months I first referred to MTV as
eMpTyVee. (Was I really the one who first used that expression here on 
LoveHounds?) Now when I think about it I realise it's spelled 'wee' and not 
with a 'V'. But then, It really doesn't matter. MTV sucks because they
don't show enough Kate!

Music is like vintage wine. It keeps getting better over the years, 
if those who made it knew how to make it right...

Mikael Jakonen