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Re: Is There A Linguist In The House ?

From: Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan <>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 1995 18:31:39 -0700
Subject: Re: Is There A Linguist In The House ?
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
In-Reply-To: <>
Organization: The University of California at San Diego
References: <>

On Tue, 15 Aug 1995, R.L.Crane wrote:

> I was watching a documentary about shopping malls last night - no 
> really, I do have a life - and the word 'Utopia' was defined 
> literally as meaning 'No Place'.......

Well, that oversimplifies things.  The word "utopia" is derived both
from "eutopia" (=good place=) and "outopia" (=no place=), both words
being Greek.

> Would 'Fruitopia' therefore mean 'No Fruit' ?

The "topia" in "eutopia" and "outopia" means =place=.

If we extract the "topia" from "Fruitopia", then we are left with
"Frui", which is a =Latin= infinitive form of a verb meaning

If, on the other hand, we extract the "Fruit" from "Fruitopia" (a
rather paradoxical act), then we are left with "opia", a Greek word
meaning =vision=.

It is fitting that these 'orribly formulated drinks should have such
an 'orribly formulated name.

          It's always Dark.  Light only hides the Darkness.

          Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan           (619) 535 - 0546    <75013,676>