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Happy Katemas!

From: "Saunders, Jonathan" <>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 95 09:39:00 EDT
Subject: Happy Katemas!
To: "'(list) love-hounds'" <>
Encoding: 25 TEXT

Happy Katemas everyone!

I was fortunate enough to be able to stop in at Cindy's party on the way 
home yesterday. It was only for an hour, but it was fun to be able to see 
some fellow lovehounds. Thanks Cindy!

And my DW was such a sport and came along, too. Although, the first song on 
the video we played was Wuthering Heights and she couldn't take it. But she 
got a book and sat on the porch and read. Thanks, darling!

I got to see videos I had never seen and heard some songs I hadn't heard 
Kate sing before. (Plus the two Japanese woman singing "Rolling the Ball"!)

All in all, it was a great (but brief) time for me! Thank you! (So what else 
did I miss?)

Oh, and thanks, Karen, for the Katemas poem! It was great!

GE Fanuc Automation; 1 Columbia Circle; Albany, NY USA 12203-5189
(EDT=UTC-4) +1.518.464.4594 (FAX: +1.518.464.4613)
Mi gxuas porti verdan stelon! Mi estas "Katefan".