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Re: Lovehounders

From: (Gregg Primm)
Date: 19 Jan 1995 23:56:18 GMT
Subject: Re: Lovehounders
References: <>
Reply-To: (Gregg Primm)

In <>, (chris williams) writes:
>Drukman rises from the grave:

Wow, it _must_ be getting loud in here if Drukman actually woke up.

>>: For instance, I for one thought the film of "The Line..." was,
>>:....pretty embarrassingly awful.  I bought it..., true...but not for 
>>:the right reasons.
>   Bite me, Jon. 

[analysis and some critiquing deleted -- I just like the "bite me, 
Jon" bit!]

>  With all that (and this may be damming with faint praise) _The Line,
>The Cross and The Curve_ is, without a doubt, *the single best* rock
>star directed film ever! 

ATTENTION: Andrew Marvick
RE:  Chris's Suspicious Behavior

Dear Andrew,

After having witnessed Chris's suspicious behavior (above), we 
here at the institute have come to the conclusion that you may
have accidentally released IED again.  Please perform whatever 
exorcism ritual is necessary in order to ensure that IED is banished 
to wherever he belongs before Chris says or does anything else that might 
embarrass him.  Thank you for your attention.


-- Gregg Primm
-- Center for Paranormal Studies and Strange Phenomena