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From: steve.b@TQS.COM (Steve Berlin)
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 94 17:48:26 PST
Subject: This 'n' That
Hi - OK, a few topics running right now, so I might as well hit them all and get it over with: 1) The Official Lovehounds Shirt - Thanks for all your kind words, folks! It's pretty hard to make blush, especially over a CRT. But let's thank all those folks who made it possible: Mary Helen, of course - It was a bit touch'n'go there for awhile, but she came through with flying colors! Wayne - the guy who did a marvelous job of scanning the artwork in, especially the note in back (which came from two seperate sources, but it's all Kate's handwriting, so it's legit.) |>oug, for not only Bringing Us Together, but for also giving me the wonderful note in the first place and making the shirt from a mere "something good" to "Wow!" OK, I'll take credit for putting the who flurshlurgner thing together, as well as the one who started Rolling the Ball, but I was just one piece of the puzzle. 2) If any of you who just came in are wondering "How can I get a shirt", last I heard M-H had a small handful left over, but I'm not sure what size or anything. If she doesn't post something, I'll post more info later (assuming *I* can get a hold of her). Or you can spend a couple of more bucks and get one from Intergalactic Garage. EMail for more details. DON'T tell 'em I sent ya. 3) Y should I love U? I have for years valliently fought Kate-bashers. When The Sensual World came out, there were tons of weenies who called themselves "Kate Fans" when they actually meant "I like 'Hounds of Love' and 'The Dreaming'." Then there was the tea-and-crumpet set who hasn't liked anything she's done since 'Never For Ever'. Well, I say FEH! It's a WONDERFUL album. I always said that, always will. A special word must be said about probably THE most bashed song of Kate's, "Reaching Out". In America (I don't know about places where Kate's considered Mainstream), her audience consists of a very large core of whom 90% of the music they listen to they do just to piss off their parents. Someday, I'm going to make the world's worst-selling Heavy Metal album called "I Like My Parents", including such cuts as "I don't need the Car This Weekend" and "Can I Help with the Dishes?" Anyway, when an obviously PRO-Mom song like this comes along, these so-called rebelious blockheads just kind of short circuit. "Cloudbusting", while also being pro-parent, passes with these kids simply because it's about a specific parent, and one who's a certified wacko to boot. So open your minds, folks! "Reaching Out" is a WONDERFUL song! That being said, Y should I love U is utter garbage. In terms of lyrics, it's actually quite clever (especially that little part at the end), but musically, it's mid-80's MOR at it's worst. But what REALLY kills the song is: Where is Kate? Why does this Lionel Richie soundalike get all the good parts? If it were a duet with The Self Obsessed Wanker Formerly Known As Prince, it MIGHT have worked, since TSOWFKAP would have put some REAL soul into the song. If it were Kate just singing herself, it would have DEFINATELY worked. But it's not, so it doesn't. 4) Don't Give Up - was this ever released as a single in the U.S.? - Stev0 the Reacher "Mary Helen/Myra Ellen - coincidence......or CONSPIRACY?