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message continued. . .

Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 19:27:02 -0500
Subject: message continued. . .

. . . aKolyTes.

>On the plus side, I did manage to catch the Red Shoes
>video. . . 
>--  Evan Welsh

>Anyway, someone had written in and recommended 
>Kate.  They played the "Red Shoes" video (!!!) 
>-- Charles

1.) Has anyone seen this video who can describe it to us?  Is it 
different from the "Red Shoes" segment in "The Line, The Curve and The

2.) Has anyone recorded this video?


IED can't remember whether he reported this or not in, so
apologies if he repeats himself:  IED
has been unsuccessful (so far) in getting any of the four
companies behind the Fruitopia account to hand over copies
of the five ads that were (inexplicably) NOT included in the
only previous official collection.  One reason given by a
person involved with the ad campaign was that Kate "might
have further plans for the music" from the account.  (Too 
bad no one thought of sticking the soundtracks onto the 
forthcoming "And So Is Love" CD-single[s], eh?)  Also, it 
was said that Coca-Cola was aware that "some of you" (that's
us, folks) have been "turning around and SELLING these ads
for a profit!" (Apparently Coke, a sentient entity, has
agents lurking online, aiming to root out KorrupTion wherever
it may occur. )

-- Andrew Marvick (IED)