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The Whole Story '94 CD-ROM

From: dkastens@titan.rz.Uni-Osnabrueck.DE (Dirk Kastens)
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 1994 08:59:31 +0100
Subject: The Whole Story '94 CD-ROM
Cc: (ecto)
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I don't know if this was mentioned on love-hounds before, because
I'm not on this list anymore, but I thought it could be of some

Taken from CD-ROM magazine, Vol.1 No 3, October 1994
by Paul Nesbitt

When a soft-focus Kate Bush and her doppelgaenger rise from an exotic
pool of liquid passion to begin a high-pitched and hysterical tale of
scorched jealousy based on the Bronte pot-boiler, you can suddenly 
recall why Katie was such an overnight sensation. Wuthering heights is still
an extraordinary song and Bush's astonishing warble combined with her
Home Counties gothic princess persona was a heady audio-visual cocktail.
   The superly-encoded VideoCD underlines just how attuned Bush was to
the then embryonic medium of rock videos, helped in no small part by her
training in modern dance. Indeed, the simplest videos in which a soft-focus
Kate whirls und wuthers in a lovingly-lit room are invariably the best
to watch.
   Less successful are the plot-heavy videos for some of her more leaden
tracks, such as Cloudbusting and Experiment IV, which feature celebrity
chums like Dawn French and Hugh Laurie to no great effect. 
   Overall this is a reasonable testament to one of the most original
artists to emerge in the late 1970s, and is proof that there is no
substitute for good songwriting. However, Kate could do with learning
a few new modern dance steps.
   One gripe, though. The whole package was woefully short on any background
information, even omitting to tell you in what year each track was recorded
or the album from which it was taken. For twenty quid a throw, consumers
have every right to expect a little more effort on the presentation front.
Track listing:
Wuthering heights; Cloudbusting; The man with the child in his eyes;
Breathing; Wow; Hounds of love; Running up that hill; Army dreamers; 
Sat in your lap; Experiment IV; The Dreaming; Babooshka; The Big Sky;
The Sensual World; Love & Anger; This woman's work; Rubberband girl;
Moments of pleasure;

Requires: DV cart for CD-i, MPEG card for PC.
Price: L 19.99
Contact: PMI 071 486 4488
Encoding: Good