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From: Irvin Fei-Chiang Lin <>
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 16:30:57 -0500 (GMT-0500)
Subject: TWW, guesh patti?
Cc: Love-Hounds@uunet.UU.NET
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
In-Reply-To: <QQxkls21620.199410061600@ftp.UU.NET>
ummm...i have a question... i have the this women's work box set...and i got it in Taiwan. i think it was imported to taiwan from the UK (though why it wasn't imported from japan which is closer...who knows). what i want to know is that all that was in the box set was the eight CD's and the booklet. i have heard that there was things like stickers and other goodies in there. Did i get dissed when i bought it? not that i care...i got it for about $90US, far less than i would have if i had bought it here on import. any answers would be great. another question...people keep on bringing up singers form other countries, has anyone heard of a singer named Guesh Patti? i can't seem to locate any of her work here in the US. maybe because she only sings in FRENCH? same goes for the british singer SAM BROWN...but i know she sings in english....any info on these singers would be greastly appreciated!!! irvin