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Re: Trivial, but cool

From: WretchAwry <>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 94 5:03:06 EDT
Subject: Re: Trivial, but cool
To: kate.;
In-Reply-To: Your message of Fri, 23 Sep 94 4:06:09 EDT
Loves: Kate Bush..Happy Rhodes..Jane Siberry..Tori Amos..Peter Gabriel..

> Vickie (who has to decide between getting new headphones and keeping
> these so I can hear all the details again, or letting Chris fix 'em)

I just decided...I have to keep them. I put on "Rocket's Tail" and
that whole beginning section is just the Trio Bulgarka.  I love the
song anyway, and I love Kate's part, but when her part is taken out
you can concentrate on what the Trio are doing, and it's wonderful!
It sounds completely different, and, except for that distinctive
opening bit (the first 10-15 seconds), if someone played this for
me I'd never recognize it as coming from RT. Very very very strange!
That's reason enough to keep them :)

Vickie (discovering new and interesting things to do at Gaffa Central)

"Do you wanna hear something on my broken headphones??"
                     Me, to anyone who comes over from now on :)