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Re: It's The Red Shoes

From: (By-Tor Blackwing)
Date: 17 Sep 1994 19:20:10 -0700
Subject: Re: It's The Red Shoes
Organization: CCnet Communications (510-988-7140 guest)
References: <35b32n$> wrote:

: I normally just lurk here (though someone else with my name, posts on  
: occasion).  Since, as was mentioned, The Red Shoes, is about a year old, I  
: thought this would be a good time to give my own impressions of the album.

: Before the album came out, I had almost no knowledge of Kate Bush, save  
: seeing her name in a few different books on music...Upon actually hearing  
: Eat the Music and Rubberband Girl, I decided to go out and buy the album.
: I was far from disappointed.  These days, to find any album which is  
: reasonably consistent, and includes songs that are rather touching is a  
: rare occurence.  

: The first time I listened to the album, the one song that stood out from  
: the rest was 'Moments of Pleasure'.  I ended up putting that song on  
: repeat play and just listening to it over and over...It was really  
: touching, but not knowing exactly what it was about I could accept that  
: there was at least a little bit of humour in least it always  
: lightened the mood to hear 'Every old sock meets an old shoe' which might  
: be deep and profound...but still seemed a bit absurd.  Don't get me wrong,  
: the song does really touch me.  I suspect a lot of people can identify  
: with the lines 'just being alive, it can really hurt...', and the emotion  
: in Kate's voice defies words.

Yes, MoP is one of my very favorites on TRS.  It's so pretty, and so 
emotional...Yes, she is..
: The other song which really touched me, was one that I believe I've heard  
: other people have a negative reaction towards...and that would be the  
: final song 'You're the One' ..again, I really identify with some of the  
: words in this song...
: "It's just everything I do
: We did together
: And there's a little piece of you
: In whatever"
: Anyone who's ever fallen out of love, probably identifies with this as  
: well.  Almost all the lyrics in this song touched me.  

Yeah, after a while this song started sounding more cheesy to me, but at 
first it caught me nearing the throes of a breakup.  Ack, I cried.

: There were a few songs in the middle of the CD that really didnt do a lot  
: for me at first, but given time, even Big Stripey Lie has become  
: enjoyable...'we got wild animals loose in here'....need I say more.
Yup.  Sorta a lull in the action....
: After playing 'The Red Shoes' for some time, I decided to buy the other  
: albumns...and I did buy them all, one by one...and in each one I saw a  
: different aspect of would be difficult to imagine from just  
: hearing TRS, that she was capable of something so conceptual as TNW/HoL or  
: as Alternativish as The Dreaming...but I have yet to be disappointed, and  
: hearing all these other albums hasn't lessened my enjoyment of TRS. 
Damn great stuff, it's true....
: It is nice to be able to buy an album, and not have any expectations, and  
: still know it will be a good album, just because it has Kate Bush written  
: on it.  I suppose it is all the expectation that has ruined the album for  
: some people...I honestly cant imagine where all the negative reviews that  
: I read on here at one time came from.

I was expecting it with great and massive antici------pation.  And in 
some ways I was dissapointed.  But it's nice to here some good ythings 
about TRS.  I *did* enjoy it a lot.
: The only really annoying thing about the whole experience is that  
: occasionally, for no reason I will say 'it's the red shoes' in the middle  
: of a conversation....and at the most inappropriate times.
Hee hee!  would that that happened to more people!
: Thanks for your time,
: steven williams

: --
: ------------------------------------------------------
: "Share my highs but the times that he hurts pay no mind"-G.H.			By-Tor Blackwing
"Half superstar, half victim.	"And we dreamed that Amigas would rule 
 She's a victor star		 the world!" -- Jeff Gonzales
 Conceptually new..." -- RW	"Audiences." -- Viktor Davis	