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Re: It's The Red Shoes

From: WretchAwry <>
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 94 2:14:03 EDT
Subject: Re: It's The Red Shoes
Cc: kate.;
In-Reply-To: Your message of Thu, 15 Sep 1994 23:23:50 -0400
Loves: Kate Bush..Happy Rhodes..Jane Siberry..Tori Amos..Peter Gabriel..

The Other Steve Williams writes:
> I normally just lurk here (though someone else with my name, posts on  
> occasion).  Since, as was mentioned, The Red Shoes, is about a year old, I  
> thought this would be a good time to give my own impressions of the album.

I like to read fresh viewpoints on things that I'm so familiar with,
Thank you for posting.
> Before the album came out, I had almost no knowledge of Kate Bush, save  
> seeing her name in a few different books on music...Upon actually hearing  
> Eat the Music and Rubberband Girl, I decided to go out and buy the album.
> I was far from disappointed.  These days, to find any album which is  
> reasonably consistent, and includes songs that are rather touching is a  
> rare occurence.  

Another rare thing is poster who got into
Kate via TRS, especially through ETM and RG. Again, I thank you.
> The first time I listened to the album, the one song that stood out from  
> the rest was 'Moments of Pleasure'.  I ended up putting that song on  
> repeat play and just listening to it over and over...It was really  
> touching, but not knowing exactly what it was about I could accept that  
> there was at least a little bit of humour in least it always  
> lightened the mood to hear 'Every old sock meets an old shoe' which might  
> be deep and profound...but still seemed a bit absurd.  Don't get me wrong,  
> the song does really touch me.  I suspect a lot of people can identify  
> with the lines 'just being alive, it can really hurt...', and the emotion  
> in Kate's voice defies words.

Well put!  You're absolutely right.  If I remember right, Chris and I first
heard the song over the phone, via Peter & Krys calling from London. Then,
a few days later, the song was put on an ftp site.  So, our earliest
brushes with the song were decidedly low-tech.  Still, the emotion (and
subtle humor) of the song came through for me loud and clear.  I fell in
love with it immediately.
... <more wonderful thoughts sadly deleted>
> After playing 'The Red Shoes' for some time, I decided to buy the other  
> albumns...and I did buy them all, one by one...and in each one I saw a  
> different aspect of would be difficult to imagine from just  
> hearing TRS, that she was capable of something so conceptual as TNW/HoL or  
> as Alternativish as The Dreaming...but I have yet to be disappointed, and  
> hearing all these other albums hasn't lessened my enjoyment of TRS. 

That's so nice!  I often think that it's easy for long-time fans to
forget what that discovery process was like, and it's interesting to
get that feeling back (in any sort of way) via a post like yours.
> It is nice to be able to buy an album, and not have any expectations, and  
> still know it will be a good album, just because it has Kate Bush written  
> on it.

Yes yes yes!  I may not like every single thing Kate has done, but she
never bores me, and I always look forward to each new album, putting
aside what came before it.

>  I suppose it is all the expectation that has ruined the album for  
> some people...I honestly cant imagine where all the negative reviews that  
> I read on here at one time came from.

There have been "discussions" on this very subject, that have ranged in
intensity from a toaster oven to a full-blown forest fire.  Opinions
vary, and I always have opinions on opinions, but I've learned that
it's best to keep quiet about them.  If someone doesn't like something
that you like, you can't change their minds.  All you can do is feel
sorry for them :-).  Now see, I've gotten in trouble for saying such
things, because it sounds condesending and pretentious.  Well, I
can't help what I think, and I *do* think you're right, that pre-formed
expectations have caused _The Sensual World_ and _The Red Shoes_ to
be judged more harshly *by some people* than they might have been
had they been those people's first albums.  I know while I say that,
that there are those who will disagree with me.  Strongly.  But I'm
not out to start a flame war, and I know that you aren't either.

You've expressed it much better than I have, but I wanted you to know
that I agree with you, and I appreciate your thoughts.

> The only really annoying thing about the whole experience is that  
> occasionally, for no reason I will say 'it's the red shoes' in the middle  
> of a conversation....and at the most inappropriate times.

:-) I still occasionally do the "It's really happenin' to ya"..."You bet
your life it is" (Kate/Tori) thing.

Good post. Thanks again for the new perspective.


Vickie Mapes               irc ---> #ecto     "My ears are lucky to hear       these glorious songs" HR
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