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RE: The Ninth Wave

From: "Forward, Jonathan" <>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 94 11:28:00 EST
Subject: RE: The Ninth Wave
To: "" <love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET>
Encoding: 35 TEXT

Date: Tuesday, 16 August 1994 11:34AM
Henry B. Messenger wrote:

]By-Tor Blackwing writes:
]> About that wonderful interpretation of _The Ninth Wave_...I always
]> thought that it was an *ice-skating* accident, not a sailing
]> accident...or do you mean 'inspired' not 'direct-transcription-of-fact'?
]I've always taken "Under Ice" to be a metaphor.
]That's where the story gets into the personal Joseph Campbell-style quest
]of the sailor lost at sea.
]> I'd better go read the lyrics again.
]Yes, but also listen: you can hear the rescue helicopter, for one thing.
]Helicopter crews rescued most of the Fastnet racers (in force 10 gale
]conditions, no less).

 I think you'll find Under Ice refers to a dream in which the unfortunate
 person imagines him/herself skating over ice, then looking through the
 ice and seeing him/herself.  Seeing oneself was taken to be a sign of
 imminent death.  One of the Pre-Raphaelites painted something along these
 lines (can't remember which artist), showing a couple walking in the woods
 and being terrified at meeting themselves.

"Of all the clever people round me here I most delight in me -
 Mine is the only voice I hear, And mine the only face I see." - Roy 

"You never understood me. You never really tried." - Kate Bush