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Re: Nothing much!

From: (chris williams)
Date: Mon, 23 May 94 11:41 CDT
Subject: Re: Nothing much!
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET

>>Meredith,is Kate really WANKING the guitar on BSL?
>>I assume Wanking means something else in America than it does in the UK.
>No, I think Wanking means the same on both sides of the Atlantic, Andy.
>I would refer you to the popular opinion that guitar solos (particularly
>of the 12 hour long, hideously over-complicated Yngwie Malmsteen variety)
>are often referred to as 'Fretboard Masturbation'.
>Not that this really applies to Kate's bit of plank-spanking on BSL though.
>Of course, now that her axe-appetite as been whetted in this way, Kate may
>well turn up for the recording of her next album (circa 210AD, probably)
>resplendant in leather pants, Hendrix head band and flying V guitar...

    Actually it's almost a direct quote from Kate. She had (years ago)
mentioned something about the phallic symbolism of guitarists
"...obviously wanking away up there." 

   Those interested in seeing Kate all dolled up as a "Rock Guitar
Goddess" should see the picture on the back of the single of
_Babooshka_. Picture Kate in black heels, turquoise satin pants,
with a sheer purple skirt over them, and a purple sequin jacket
over a low-cut red top, squatting playing a Fender "Jazz Bass"
with the body nestled between her legs.

>..or maybe not :-)
>Incidentally, I was surprised at the lack of comment given to the 'W word'
>considering that several Lovehounds were on the verge of tears after Kate
>was called a f*x in the FAQ...

    No it was simply dumb. I pointed out that "fox" was somewhat
demeaning, especially when there are so many other, better words
to describe Kate (just ask IED.)

                          Chris Williams of
                             Chris'n'Vickie of Chicago