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From: Suspended In Duct Tape <>
Date: Mon, 02 May 1994 22:15:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: thanks, all
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET
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Hi! Thanks to all who offered suggestions as to where woj and I can rest our weary heads on Sunday after the Kon. Interestingly enough, my travel goddess had just suggested the Regent Palace when I read here that Scott Telford will be staying there as well, so that's where we'll be. In case anybody cares, woj and I and Peter Manchester will be arriving on the same flight on Saturday morning. woj and I will be making our way to Cambridge for the day and night, then returning to London for the Big Event on Sunday. Alas, we must depart again on Monday afternoon, but hopefully not before seeing a bit of London first! See you all there! ***************************************************************************** *Meredith A. Tarr New Haven, CT USA* ***************************************************************************** *"Sure,she's female,she plays piano,she's on nodding terms with the fairies,* * but all [Tori] Amos has in common with [Kate] Bush is that there's no one * * like either of them." - from Western Australian review of _Under The Pink_* *****************************************************************************