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Re: Not-so-little Earthquakes

From: (Le Zoulou White)
Date: 3 Feb 1994 07:39:05 GMT
Subject: Re: Not-so-little Earthquakes
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET
Content-Length: 1240
Distribution: world
Organization: ENSERB (Electronic & Computer Science School) Bordeaux FRANCE
References: <>
Sender: (Le Zoulou White)

In article <>, (Jon Drukman) writes:
> Uncle Stev0 writes:
> >Also, Fans of Kate Bush call themselves Lovehounds, Lionhearts, or
> >(my favorite) KateFans.  Fans of Happy Rhodes are Ectophiles.  What
> >are Tori Fans called?
> you wouldn't believe the amount of self-control i'm exercising here...
> /j/

how much ? I am really interested in amount of self control by now,
I would be glad to know from other...(yes, personnal problems...)

    |\_                \|\||         IrcNick   Zoulou
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I'm not asleep. I'm just looking at my eyelids !