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for : New Kate fan needs an advise

From: Evgenii Shtefan <>
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 94 14:23:36 +0800
Subject: for : New Kate fan needs an advise
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET

This is for

Title: New KB fan needs an advise

Hello everybody!  (At first, please excuse my bad English!)

The point is that I fell in love with The Kick Inside (it was the
first Kate's album I ever heard). Then I bought Never For Ever. Good thing.
Babooshka, Brething and so on. Well, then I bought '85. And I said after
listening: stop, ladies and gentlemen, what is IT? She  wanted to make up
something commercial? But any modern-talking could do that much better...
Though Under Ice and that song where some choir sang (it sounded like a
classic choir) were cool. Well, then I bought that thing of 1993.
I'm sorry, but it is a real triteness and banality. I never would spend my
money. As Russian classics said: "Oats are expensive nowadays..."
Such a freak I am, such a pervert! :-)

So, I need an advise. What I should listen to of Kate so as not to feel myself
