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Date: Wed, 8 Dec 1993 14:26:02 -0500
To: Love-Hounds@uunet.UU.NET (Tippi Chai) says:
>CFNY has been giving out one "double pass" to see "The Curve..." every hour.
>You have to be the 5th caller to get thru when they play the
>"Free Ticket Wicket" jingle.  I've called about, oh, 300 times or
>so today (thank goodness for speed dialing software) but all I got were
>busy signals.  They said on the air that their phone is melting from
>all the calls begging for passes, but they make absolutely no exceptions -
>you have to get thru when the "Free Ticket" thing is happening.
>Even EMI does not have any passes (so they say).  Oh well.  5 more days
>to try.  (Are there any secrets to getting thru these call-ins?)

It use to be with the phone relay system that if you dial all the numbers
except the last digit and then waited 20-30 seconds before you dial the
last digit, you would block other calls from getting pass you and would get
thru if the line was released in that time. I somewhat doubt that this is
still the case, but it might be worth the try.
