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Tower records gift

Date: Tue, 07 Dec 93 17:32:03 EST
Subject: Tower records gift
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET
Reply-To: <>
Sender: "silo" <>

Just a thought: Anyone wanting to get on Kate's good side by bringing
a gift might try a package of cigarettes, whatever brand she usually
smokes.  My brain says "Silk Cuts" for some reason.  Not that I smoke
myself or generally encourage others to; I just thought it might help
Kate get through the evening better.

I am waffling on whether to go myself.  Figure the drive is 6+ hours each
way from Augusta Maine, (airline tickets are $420 or just $220 if I say over
til Sunday for some reason) and there is no guaranttee I'd even make it
through the line in the 2 hours she will be there.  All to see her for 
perhaps 30 seconds. Plus I've never been to NYC.  Think I'd try to stay 
out-of-town and come in on a commuter train.  Anybody out there have advice
on how to visit Tower records 4th&Broadway from the New England direction? 
|>oug?  Jason?  IED?

Mike Knight
phone: 207/622-9350