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Rocketman video versions

From: (Jorn Barger)
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1993 22:29:18 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Rocketman video versions
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET (Love Hounds)
Content-Length: 665
Content-Type: text

Mmmmrpphhl mmrphhl mmrph-mmr...

<scpcriiiiiiiiitttttchhhhhhh!> (Ow!  Jesus FUCK!)

Whew... can you hear me now?  I'll put the silver tape back on in
a seccy, but I have to say this before the new tapetree gets too

The Awards edit of Rocketman should be called the 'circumcized' version,
and avoided at all costs, worse than if they'd colorized it.  The problem
is that the entire magic of the piece is established by a 'hook zoom'
in the first few seconds, thoughtfully denied us in the Awards release.

Patch that bit back on in the beginning if you can, otherwise include
the lower quality-but-complete edit instead, or in addition.

<stap stap stap sta>