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More KaTe thoughts

Date: Sun, 7 Nov 1993 07:55:51 +1000
Subject: More KaTe thoughts
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G'day all!

    What a great few days! I've been off the air at the Mac World Expo in
Sydney. I took my TRS tape with me (as well as my new copy of HomeGround #49
that had arrived the day before, nice one Peter, Krys and Dave) but replaced
that the first day with my own copy of the CD! :-) I didn't get much of a
chance to listen to the CD all that day as I was busy with the Expo and then a
night out on the town with some friends. You know how it is when something's
just fall into place, like they're just meant to be? Well the place we all hit
for our dinner played right through 'The Whole Story' whilst we ate. Buy time I
got back to the hotel I was tired, sore and very sated. I lay back, turned the
lights off and listen to TRS (very loud) over headphones. To quote her
goddessness ... "Hmmmm yess..." :-) The whole album seemed to just click for
me. Till that point there were certain songs that I'd kind of switch off to
when they came around ('Why Should I Love You' being the main one) It's amazing
just how much you can pick out of the music when you're in that sort of frame
of mind. Just let yourself fall into the songs.

    It looks like everyone has been very busy whilst I've been away!

Kent sez...
>Now, I have to go back and listen to it again to see if I can figure out
>what's being said behind "Oh my God it's a jungle in here, you've got
>wild animals loose in here" on BSL.  (Still haven't figured out the 1st
>interjection on RBG.)

   I like KT's Kookaburra laugh right after she says "you've got wild animals
loose in here". As for what is said behind that whole verse, I can't make it
out at all. Also there is a funny "beep" to be heard at about 2:47 into BSL
which sounds for all the world to be a Mac beep. :-) I noticed this just now
whilst I was listening to the CD over my Mac and reading the news. I'm flicking
the CD backward and forward and I get this sound like a system alert, but there
is no alert!

Angelos sez..
>Eat the Music still sucks :(

    We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one then. Even though it isn't
the best song of the album, I still like it. Even better, it's the song that
has got a few of my KT hating friends to sit and listen. They like it. If it
helps introduce somebody to KT then I like it even more.

jessica sez...
>Meredith said...
>> Eat The Music:  Barf-O-Rama.  But we already knew trhat.  Er, that. :}
>Here i disagree with meredith. I like Eat the Music. I don't tihnk 
>I *love* it. but I really liek it. it's fun, i tihnk of the video and
>swirl my head around and feel kinda drunk and dizzy and tihnk of
>squishy fruit and it works really well for me like that :)

    Gee it's good to see that I'm not on my own in this ('It's cold out here')
Other then that both Meredith and jessica just about hit it with my impression
of the whole album

Stev0 sez...
>Lily:  Huh?  I'll give this one time to grow on me.  I think I like it.
>For now, Grade: B-

    Oh come on! This ones an A at the very least. I've loved it from the very
start. It stirs the pagan/Celtic soul in me. :-)

>The Red Shoes:  Answers the eternal question, "What would happen if
>George Clinton produced Steeleye Span"?  I didn't like it at first
>listen, but it's starting to grow on me.  Grade: B

    You probably never liked Jethro Tull either. I wish this one would come out
as a single with an extra extended version. This song just builds and builds,
it's impossible to keep still listening to it. It would be simply -massive- if
done live. I see more and more voices and instruments being added till the
whole thing is this huge cacophony of sound and rhythm. Add a few thousand
dancing KT fans and it'd be -wonderful- 8-)

The Evil Tofu sez...
>Can anyone NOT stop dancing when they are listening to "The Red Shoes"? :P

    Yeah! See what I mean!?

Bill sez...
>Yes.  Were I to dance, I would undoubtably swerve violently into another
>car and go careening off the floating bridge, and then I'd die and wouldn't
>be able to listen to it again.  So I resist.

    It's easy Bill. You just wiggle around in the seat, rock the car around,
tap your foot, play 'drums' on the steering wheel and sing very loudly (and in
my case badly, but who cares) :-)

Peter Fitzgerald-Morris sez...
>She has clearly taught Kate Dion Fortune's cut down version of the
>lesser ritual of the pentagram - a potent method of defence against
>psychic attack.

    Stephen reminded me of another good description of this sort of thing from
the Deverry series written by Katharine Kerr. The series as based deeply in
Celtic mythos. The character Nevyn utilises the visualisation of the circle or
pentagram of fyre (or light) guarded at four points by the Lords of Wyrd to
protect himself and friends from 'psychic' harm.

    Has anybody noticed what KT screams just after the 'Grrrrrr, this is my
space' in Lily? In the left channel she screams 'Who's at left?" and then in
the right channel she screams 'Who's at right?' :-)  The problem is I can't
understand what is said about 3:25 into the track. It's in the middle of the
repeated chorus, just before she sings 'Raphael behind me'. It sounds like (and
please don't flame me) 'Yeah INX' !!! Anybody got any ideas about that one?

She REALLY is... :-)
               :  Graham Dombkins
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      "Hello Earth!!                    "I'm chasing nuns
       hello Earth..." - KT              out in the yard..." - TA