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Re: Kate on guitar?!

From: at895@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Kevin F. Holy)
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 93 16:06:41 -0400
Subject: Re: Kate on guitar?!
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET
Reply-To: at895@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Kevin F. Holy)

>>>Wha?!  Kate on guitar?  Are we talking about the *lead* guitar on this
>>>track?  If Kate went from not playing (that I know of) to playing *that
>>>well* in just four years, she may be a goddess after all.
>    And the most important part, is she playing an actual guitar or
>is a fairlight sample of a guitar simply being credited as a guitar?
>Jan Hammer and Roger Powell had been doing credible lead guitar work
>via keyboard for years.

Hmm...could be a synthesized guitar! Who knows, she could be playing all
the instruments from a synthesizer without anyone knowing! =) No wonder she
never tours.. =)

 _____   _____   _____   __     _____   __ __   _____   _____  "Doesnt take
|_   _| |  _  | |  _  | |  |   |  _  | |  V  | |  _  | | ____|   much to  
  | |   | |_| | |   __| |  |   |  _  | |  _  | | |_| | |____ |   RIP  us
  |_|   |_____| |_|\_\  |__|   |_| |_| |_| |_| |_____| |_____| into pieces"