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From: Andrew B Marvick <abm4@columbia.EDU>
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 93 17:27:43 EDT
Subject: Mailbag

This is to lend a voice of support for Mark Semich's admirable
and dead-on commentary of earlier today.  The critics of Kate's new
music have thus far without exception succeeded only in demonstrating
sloppy listening habits and a shallow impatience with the unexpected
and the misunderstood.

Thanks to Suzanne for her extremely interesting posting.

-- andrew marvick (ied), who is hapPily unablE to heAR the smug and
faciLe whiningS of the infidels BenEath the FearsOme, godlike music 
pRoducEd by the trumpetS of joshua and the falling Walls of
jerIcho...listeN to the chimpanzEe!

P.S.:  Chrissie Iley's "interview" with Kate in the London Sunday
Times Colour Supplement is transparently a feeble attempt by a silly,
jealous woman to malign her betters. Virtually the entire article
concerns Iley's befuddlement and resentment at Kate's unwillingness to
divulge personal information to her interviewer.  Needless to say, it
never occurs to Iley to ask even a single question about the subject
of real interest both to Kate and to her true fans, i.e. the music! Despite
the comments of Iley, the piece is worth reading for the subject's
intelligent and impressively tolerant responses, and for a glamorous  
full-page color portrait by a Times photographer. 
P.P.S.:  IED sends friendly hellos to Karen, Ed, Ron, Larry, Peter et al.,
Chris, Vickie and other wise stalwarts...