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Aspel tapetree finalization

From: (Jorn Barger)
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1993 10:08:53 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Aspel tapetree finalization
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET (Love Hounds)
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Aspel tape tree finalization

Okay, the NTSC master now has 30 mins of Aspel plus the 'official' stupendous 
Rocketman (plus some surprises).  No Wogan Rocketman yet, but I'm inclined to 
skip it (Tom of C-Side spelled my street name wrong and it vanished... Wgn 
pkg, not st)

Several treebuffs expressed willingness to pay for 'pro' quality, and 
Nathaniel R. Leas <> thought he might be able to get a 
deal.  Whoever can get the best deal by next week gets the PAL 'original', 
but meanwhile let's do an amateur thing, quick... [the PAL includes the full 
30 min show plus a min or two before the start, but no Rocketman, nor is it 

I'm making a few dubs myself for the first few leaf-node requesters, and for 
various parties who've been helping out, and then sending the NTSC 'master' 
to Cynthia in Amherst Mass who seems to have the stuff to do the top level, 
namely copies to the following, who all volunterred to make dubs themselves:

1- Peter Byrne Manchester <> [S-VHS w/digital 
noise suppression, hi-fi stereo. Peter Manchester, 14 Wendover Road, E. 
Setauket, NY 11733]
2- Lori Karn <> [VHS to VHS, or VHS to 8mm]
3- Tippi Chai <> Toronto, Canada
4- John Zimmer
6- Marty Timko <> [several VCRs and BetaMax]
7- Larry

Cynthia [can you post your address?] suggests:
Everyone wanting copies send a blank VHS video tape to the dubber.  This
package should also include a self-addressed, stamped return mailer.  Yes,
that means that folks will have to pay for postage for *2* mailings instead
of one, but it save a *great* deal of aggravation for the dubber.  I've done
enough tape trading (video/audio - want references? :-) to know how much
trouble it is to get mailers, write addresses, get postage, buy blanks, etc.
for even a handful of people.  That way people can also get the exact kind
of tape they want, for example, if someone hates TDK, they don't have to
worry about getting that back, or make special requests, etc.  If they want
super-duper strong mailers, or prefer boxes, etc., they can send on whatever
they desire.
Some postage can be saved by this neat trick:  Put the blank tape in a padded
envelope with your own return address and stamps on it (must be stamps, no
meter strips; meter strips are only good on the day of issue).  Then put all
that inside a regular manilla envelope addressed to the dubber.  Saves a bit
of packaging, and a bit of weight on the first mailing.

These names couldn't dub, so should apply to one of the above seven:
Angelos Kyrlidis
Mike Knight (Allan Balliett)
?Douglas Alan <>

Did I lose anybody?