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Re: Dreaming

From: (Jeffrey C. Burka)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 93 20:55:56 -0400
Subject: Re: Dreaming
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET
In-Reply-To: <>
Organization: University of Maryland at College Park

graham asks:

>Does anyone know what her KaTeness is saying in the spoken
>parts of "Suspended in Gaffa" ? I can make out some of it but not

"I caught a glimpse of a God all shiny and bright"

"We all have a dream...maybe"

"Mother, where are the angels?  I'm scared of the changes."

In at least one interview, stating at least one of Her many interpretations
of SiG, KaTe talks about it as being related to the Catholic idea of
purgatory.  These bits of lyrics obviously tie into that biblical theme,
as is the lyric about the camel in her eye ("I try to get nearer but
as it gets clearer / there's something appears in the way, it's a plank
in me eye / with a camel who's trying to get through it / am I doing it? 
Can I have it all now?")

(who thinks that SiG is a *perfect* song, as is most of TD)

|Jeffrey C. Burka       | "Show what you are / Be strong, be true           |
|SAFH Lite [tm]         |  Time for you to / Be who you are."  --HTR        |
|   |  March on Washington for Gay/Les/Bi Rights 4/25/93|