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New Release Infos 2/22

From: (Allan Balliett)
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1993 12:07:56 GMT
Subject: New Release Infos 2/22
Keywords: New Release Bush Kate Euro UK Alt
Organization: Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link
Summary: New Release Disks 2/22

Some interesting New Releases for the week of  2/22

GEO. CLINTON	Sample Some a Disc		CD
DEPECHE MODE	I Feel You #2		CD-5
DONOVAN	Early Years 15-trks		CD
BRYAN FERRY	I Put a Spell on you #1		CD-5
LULU	Independence (New Release!!)		CD
PAUL McCARTNEY	C'mon People #1		CD-5
SARAH McLACHLAN	Drawn to...		CD-5
SARAH McLACHLAN	Into the Fire...		CD-5
SARAH McLACHLAN	Path of Thorns		CD-5
MIDGE UR	If I was (BEST) w/Kate Bush		CD
SUZANNE VEGA	When Heros Go Down #1		CD-5
SUZANNE VEGA	When Heros Go Down #2		CD-5
Cool Compilation CD from last week:
Celtic Heart sugg. ret. $24.95
1. fergus sings the blues / deacon blue
2. don't go / hothouse f1owers
3. my special child / sinead o-connor
4. in a lifetime / clannad / bono
5 a pair of brown  eyes / the pogues
6 fisherman's blues / the uaterboys
7 Letter from america / the proclaimers
8 abhaina an t - slaugh / runrig
9 perfect / fairground attraction
10. the voyage / christy moore
11. theme from harrys game / c1annad
12. the island / paul brady
13.N17 / the saw doctors
14 captured / brian kennedy
15. against the wind / marie brennn
10. the man is alive / luka bloom
17. coisich a ruin / eapercaillie
18. golden mile / mary black

re: Questions on last list
I haven't actually seen a copy of the Brazil OST, I don't know what country
it is from. It is on the Milan lbl. Isn't that Italy?

Take Care and have a Great Week


PS Sorry about the Madonna Turntable mats :-)
PPS On the BRIT AWARDS dbl CD Kate does Rocket Man, Tori Does Crucify +
Tasmin Archer, etc. A Great disk if you want to hear the economically viable
music 'of' England.