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RE: Astrology

Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1993 07:22:50 -0500
Subject: RE: Astrology
To: Love-Hounds-Request@uunet.UU.NET
Resent-Date: Fri, 05 Feb 93 11:36:14 EST
Resent-From: Bill Wisner <>
Resent-Message-Id: <5512.728930174@ftp.UU.NET>
Resent-To: Love-Hounds@uunet.UU.NET
Sender: blkcat!Uucp@uunet.UU.NET

U> From: Ulrich Grepel <> 
 U> As you might guess I am not believing in astrology. I think 
 U> there's no way to forecast anyone's live in any way out of 
 U> his birth date/time/place. You would have to use an infinite 
 U> amount of digits to represent the exact spot in the universe. 

The assumptions of astrology are separate from the assumptions of mathematics.
Astrology is dealing with FORCES not with FACTS. That is, astrology can
'predict' TENDENCIES but not necessarily actualities. 

What this revolves around is the forces that were present on Earth when the baby
was born (I think it should be when the baby was conceived, but what do I
know?). These are celestial forces eminating from the sun, the moon, the planets

The effects of the moon on earth cannot be denied (hopefully). First we accepted
the tide, now there is more and more acceptance of the concept of 'lunacy,' that
is, behavior can become more extreme under a full moon (why a 'full' moon? Isn't
the moon always REALLY full?). 

Maria Thun, a German plant scientist has done extensive studies of the effects
of the positions of the planets and the moon on plant germination and growth.
She claims to be able to predict accurately if the new plant will have lean
towards larger roots, larger leaves,  or larger flowers. She has done this for a
variety of plants and has documented her 'predictions' (these are scientific
predictions) for over 30 years. (BTW, her calendar is available here in the
states and is used by many organic and gourmet gardeners.)

My point is, the 'stars' can effect life on earth. The assumptions of astrology
is that the human psyche is also molded by celecstial forces both at birth and

No, I don't read my horoscope every day :-) 

 U> Remember the butterfly in the 
 U> Amazonas jungle causing a hurricane over Florida. 
What was this about?

Take Care!